
CEOs of companies like GreenLove Ltd vote for stopping climate-go-crazy.

The number of responsible companies is growing in Hungary as well.

A company is selling non-toxic gardening- and household products and cosmetics in their webshop. They had the carbon footprint of the webshop - generated by the visitors - calculated and have offset it with the same carbon units which were used to offset the carbon footprint of the FIFA World Championship and the Olimpic Games. This company is committed in every way to follow responsible thinking in terms of sustainability. By offsetting the carbon emission of their web page the company is proving superiority to their competitors and also that it is possible to run a company in a responsible way complying with the target of the Paris Climate Agreement, namely to keep global warming under 2°C, preferably under 1,5°C. It is viable financially and doesn’t need special wizardry to run a company this way, showing an example to everybody. Contrary to the companies that mislead themselves, their employees and the authorities with their environmental results, GREENLOVE, despite its size, excels with their positive attitude.

The CEOs of these companies are the ones that overcome climate change and show the way how simple it is to contribute to the slowing down of the climate change.

CEOs of companies like GreenLove Ltd vote for stopping climate-go-crazy. - iCC