BOCS Foundation

100% Carbon Free Company

“Since 1975 it works in the first place with the philosophical, ethical, educational and social aspects of ecology, on the base of evangelical nonviolence and of the responsibility for the future generations, the poor, and the underprivileged. It aims at teaching non-material richness and non-consumer happyness in small communities and summer camps.”
(Environmental Encyclopaedia, volume I. page 139)

The BOCS foundation has been working on transferring the world from a quantity to a quality civilization for almost 4 decades. They introduced the concept of “eco-footprint” in Hungary. They hold trainings and give presentations for every age group and target audience mainly for multipliers and for decision makers to prepare the audience for the challenges of the globalization. The BOCS foundation is a member of many international (,,,, and, and Hungarian networks (HAND, Afrika Platform, Zöld Mozgalom). BOCS foundation was honored by The Hungarian Ecological Society (MTA) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MÖTE), for its participation in spreading ecological education.
They have created the Hungarian subtitle for Lester R. Brown’s movie about climate consciousness, and are screening the movie all over Hungary based on demands. To create a better world, invite BOCS foundation to screen the one and a half hours long movie, accompanied by a presentation and a discussion in your school, community, company for the decision makers and for those who are working in the media.


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